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Around the Archdiocese



Local Catholic Universities Partner With DC Government for DC Resident Scholarships


Catholic University and Trinity Washington Universtiy are identified  by the Washington, DC Office of the State Superintendent (OSSC)  as an approved university for their DCFutures program.   Eligible DC residents may be awarded up to $8000/year.  List of eligible majors.   Program information available on the OSSC website link

Archdiocese of Washington Programs/Notices

ADW Project Rachel Ministry (PRM) Seeking Volunteers:

Project Rachel Ministry, an after abortion healing ministry is expanding our volunteer network! Our ministry will be expanding to a regional model, where volunteers will provide direct service to accompany mothers and fathers seeking healing after past abortions. Volunteers will to commit to hosting a regional event (4-5 hours) several times per year. These events are focused on spiritual healing, and pre-planned by the PRM team at the Archdiocese of Washington. No formal experience or counseling degree is required for volunteers. We are looking for volunteers for both the English and Spanish branches.

Individuals should have a strong prayer life, a compassionate and non-judgmental spirit, and the ability to safeguard participants’ confidentiality.  Training will be provided. To learn more about the roles, responsibilities, and training , please join us at our information meeting:

Sat. June 18th 9:00am-10:30am (In-person, location to be announced)

After attending one of these meetings, you can discern if our Lord is calling you to serve in this ministry.  Please contact us at for more information.


Pro-Life Grant Program: 

For the past several years, the Office of Life Issues has supported local pregnancy centers through the Pro-Life Grant Program. This grant program awards funds to pregnancy centers that serve mothers and children in need. This year, the Pro-Life Grant Program will expand to offer financial support to parishes, while continuing our support of these community organizations. We hope that each of your parishes will consider applying for a pro-life grant to support your ministries. These funds can be used to support a wide range of programs and campaigns to help families in need. Examples might of funding might include: a youth group’s pro-life service project, financial support for young families in the community, a seminar on restorative justice and the death penalty, materials for advance care planning, or materials for a grief support group. This grant will support a variety of initiatives across the consistent life ethic. If you are interested in applying for the Pro-Life Grant Program, please fill out the attached application, or share it with leaders in your community. 

Download the Parish Pro-Life Grant Application 

Please contact Kathryn Yanik, Director of Life Issues, at with any questions.


Resources from ADW Dept of Special Needs for Mental Illnes

Mental illness is unique among other illnesses in that the treatment usually is dependent upon some type of human relationship. Persons seeking treatment will need to speak with a therapist, spiritual leader, and doctor about personal matters. Effective treatment for mental illness goes beyond the need for medication; it also includes addressing psychological issues, social networks and matters of faith and spirituality. Therefore, it is important that attention be paid to language and cultural issues that may enhance or hinder treatment. Mental illness is viewed differently in different cultures. Some cultures focus on the biology of illness; other cultures may believe that mental illness is the result of a lack of harmony with nature, separation from God, exposure to an evil spirit, punishment for past sins, etc. Knowledge of those beliefs will greatly improve the likelihood of effectively reaching out to those individuals who are from a different culture.  Click link below for more information

Support a Parish in Need 

At a time when the coronavirus shutdown of public Masses has impacted the offertory collections vital to parish operations, Archbishop Wilton Gregory has launched a parish support initiative to help Catholics in the Archdiocese of Washington make online donations directly to their parishes:

Suspicious Emails and IT Reminder 

We have received calls and emails about fraudulent emails being received by people from a spam account using Archbishop Gregory’s or other priests’ names. Please note that the archbishop will not communicate a need for assistance in this way. Any legitimate email from the Archdiocese will end in “” 

Please be diligent in not responding to suspicious emails

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