Domestic Violence Awareness
Coronavirus and Domestic Violence
National Hotline Number 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 for TTY
Excerpt from Catholic Standard Article
“The covid-19 crisis is making life particularly difficult for families suffering abuse,” said Laura Yeomans, program manager for the Parish Partners Program of Catholic Charities. “We know from the past when there is a national crisis, (and) high unemployment, that violence in families increases.”
Resources from Catholic Charities Washington, DC
Information can be found on Catholic Charities’s website: to get help. Calling the national domestic violence hotline number, 1-800-799-7233, is also a resource for agencies that can help provide plans for safety, shelter and counseling services. Those who are deaf or hard of hearing can call 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).
"Finally, we emphasize that no person is expected to stay in an abusive marriage. "
USCCB's 2002 “When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women
That’s the position of the Catholic Church and many people don’t know it.
Come and save lives! Venga y salve vidas!
Volunteer Position: Parish Domestic Violence Awareness Outreach Team
Parish leaders are invited to join the Catholic Charities Parish Domestic Violence Outreach Team. Come and save lives! The team brings helpful and lifesaving information to parish groups to raise awareness about domestic violence and community resources that can help families. Using provided curriculum and training, volunteers will prepare and present short presentations to parish groups virtually during the year to raise awareness and help families know community resources available to help families suffering domestic abuse. Catholic Charities staff will support and assist presentations. For more information contact, (202) 315-9440.
Share this link with parish leaders to apply for the Parish Domestic Violence Awareness Outreach Volunteer role.
Applications are due by March 31st.
Encourage parish leaders interested to sign up for our Volunteer Open House
Tomando conciencia de la Violencia Domestica en nuestra comunidad Parroquial Venga y salve vidas!
Invitamos a todos los líderes de la Parroquia a unirse al Equipo Parroquial de Caridades Católicas de Violencia Doméstica. Nuestro equipo ofrece información a los grupos para despertar la conciencia acerca de la violencia doméstica y encontrar recursos en la comunidad que pueden ayudar a las familias. Con lecciones y entrenamiento, los voluntarios pueden preparar y hacer cortas presentaciones online durante el año, despertando la conciencia y ayudando a la comunidad a conocer los recursos disponibles para apoyar a las familias que sufren violencia doméstica. Caridades Católicas apoyan y asisten a las presentaciones. Para mayor información, contacte,, (202) 315-9440.
• Comparta esta información con los líderes de la parroquia y aplique por Parish Domestic Violence Awareness Outreach Volunteer. Invitamos a soliciatr antes de el 31st de Marzo.
Catholics For Family Peace Education and Research Initiative
Catholics For Family Peace Education and Research on Domestic Violence
Local Government Contacts for Domestic Violence
Excerpt from Montgomery County, MD Press release
The Montgomery County Family Justice Center (FJC) remains open throughout the pandemic and continues to provide services. The FJC can be reached by telephone at 240-773-0444 or by email at The Montgomery County Crisis Center is open 24/7 and can be reached at 240-777-4000.
The statewide stay-at-home order is critical to limiting the spread of COVID-19, but the increased isolation and stress, along with the inability to avoid an abuser, makes this a particularly difficult time for those experiencing family violence. As individuals are cut off from support systems outside the home, new stressors, such as financial instability, can make abusive situations more volatile. In addition, many people are not being seen by others who might report suspected family violence, such as teachers.
"We should all feel safe in our homes, but the reality is, not everyone does,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “The goal of the Family Violence Awareness and Prevention Campaign is to let County residents know that there is still help for victims, even during these difficult times. We have programs in place, some of them are available 24 hours a day. We are here to help." Mr. Elrich and other County leaders stressed that no one will ever be asked about their immigration status if they seek help.
Arlington County, VA
Doorways Program for Women and Families
Staying safe at home and more COVID-19 resources, information, and news for our neighbors needing support and concerned community members hoping to offer help.
(703) 237-0881 Arlington’s 24‑Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline
DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Survivors
As DC has declared a state of emergency, the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCCADV/Coalition), in partnership with our member programs and partners, is working together to address the safety, health, and well-being of survivors of domestic violence. We’re grateful for Mayor Bowser and Chairman Mendelson for moving swiftly to address critical concerns from the community.
For immediate needs contact the DC Victim Hotline. To reach the hotline, dial or text 1-844-4HELPDC (1-844-443-5732)
or access the online chat at
Crisis Services
DC SAFE is ensuring victims and survivors of domestic violence know immediate assistance remains available during Covid-19 related closures. DC SAFE’s advocates are working remotely and are available 24/7 as usual. If you have an immediate need please call the DC Victim Hotline at 1-844-4HELPDC, 911 or 311. DC SAFE has increased the number of staff answering the crisis line.